Stan I watched him. He had not been hunting in several decades. Had to talk him into it. I think the Fox did most of the talking plus his grand kids helped. I put him in an area that would give him good left to right shots with few coming from behind him or few right at him on the end of the field. He sat there and watched the few birds moving for twenty minutes at least. He use to call this reading the field. Then he went and cut five or six tall weeds and placed them out in front of him to use as distance markers and also as marking point when he knocked down a bird. Then he went to work. Steady singles taken, then retrieved. I don't think he shot more than two birds before he retrieved them. In a little over an hour he was limited out. Like I said a limit in less than a box. Better than I have done many a day. If I live another fifty seasons I will not forget it. Gives me hope that I can shoot as long as I want to.