Originally Posted By: Stan

I can empathize with the old guy in the chair overlooking the bottom, except I'd rather it be a dove shoot. I am aiming to kill a limit of doves on my 100th birthday, which is October 13th (34 years from now), and if they have to call the coroner afterwards, well .......... that will be okay, too.


Stan, some people will do anything to get out of cleaning birds. Good luck in your quest to shoot until 100. I took my father and sons Dove shooting when he was 90. Got his limit of doves in less than a box of shells, using a Fox 16 I loaned him. Not bad for a fellow with only one good eye I thought. Heck I'd just like to be moving and lucid at his age. Sad to say he is done hunting he says. Just has no desire to shoot.