Originally Posted By: Stan
I've never quite understood the rationale behind thinking bluejays were okay for a kid with a BB gun to kill, but cardinals and mockingbirds weren't. I've always kinda liked bluejays.


Stan, I never understood the general disdain for bluejays either. I really learned to like bluejays when I learned that they robbed robin's nests, and ate their eggs and chicks. I can't tell you how many times I climbed out on limbs as far as I dared to reach a bunch of just ripened cherries, only to find that the damned robins had pecked the backside and ruined them. When they weren't eating our cherries or other fruit, they were in the lawn eating the beneficial worms and night crawlers which we also used for fishing bait. When my Dad yelled at me and told me to not let him catch me killing any more robins, all I can say is that... he didn't catch me.

I hope you get to shoot doves on your 100th!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.