I had a meeting this morning with my attorney to discus updating my will. Among the things we discussed was my small gun and sporting art collection. At my age,77,I felt that it was high time to get my stuff together and make some decisions. I am thinking about sending a good portion to James Julia and use the funds derived from their sale to help my daughter (who is suffering from stage four brain cancer but presently is doing well) and hopefully to travel some with her. Someone recently told me that they had never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer. Other than the few family items that my kids might want I think that I'm about ready to let someone else enjoy what I have accumulated over the past sixty odd years (and believe me some of them were very odd)

Best Regards, George

To see my guns go to www.mylandco.com Select "SPORTING GUNS " My E-Mail palmettotreasure@aol.com