Well, as I said I would I wrote to the Course Coordinator at Trinidad regarding the course disappearance. I received an e-mail response this morning.

Here it is in untrimmed form so all the information is out there.
There is some explanation as to what is actually going on with the impact of student surveys and "the inmates running the asylum" smile.
Dennis and Glenn, I guess you can expect to hear from Trinidad in the near future; remember you heard it hear first smile

The good news is the courses should return next year, if the instructors are willing.


"Good Afternoon Dr. Bartlett,
I received your letter today concerning the Double Guns course not being included in the 2017 summer schedule. Our plan is to offer the Double Guns and Metalsmithing Single Shot Rifle classes every other year. I plan to ask Dennis Potter and Glenn Fewless to teach their courses again next summer and it is my hope they will agree to do so.
Following each class in the summer, we ask students to complete a satisfaction survey, which includes suggestions for new classes and ways to improve the program. These comments are taken seriously as we develop the schedule for the next summer. We have received requests that outnumber the space we have available, which has led to the decision to offer some of the courses on an every-other-year basis.
You may not be aware, but Trinidad State offers some small certificates in the summer, which requires that we offer the classes in those certificates each year so that students can either earn one of the certificates in one summer or take one or two of the required courses each year until they have earned the certificate.
I hope this email has answered your questions. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Donna Haddow
Continuing Education Coordinator"