Very interesting-your last paragraph recalls an article in the DGJ on a similar A-2- Monogram Grade Smith-Volume twenty-two, Issue 4 Winter 2011. I noted with interest on page 119 the error "We also know that unrestricted German U-boat (did England have U-boats then, one might wonder)--warfare resulted in the sinking of the RMS (Royal Mail Steamer) Lusitania on May 1, 1915--et al. History seems to tell us that disaster actually occurred on May 7, 1915. The Lusitania left the New York harbor in May 1st, 1915-and later discovery showed she was carrying illegal explosives to aid England in her conflict against German, a clear violation of the neutrality act extant back then. I chuckled a bit when I read that, almost as much as I did when I saw the movie "Animal House" and the late John Belushi's character in a rant: "And when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor"- --

Krupp added nickel as an alloy in about 1891 to their ordnance grade steel, but the old Prussian High Command officers in ordnance still were favoring brass for cannon and mortar barrels in the early years of the "War To End All Wars"-- old habits die hard, do they not?? Der Fuchs!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..