Creeping Orwellian infiltration 1.1 2.1 & manifesto 2.0 3.0 - WIP
Infiltration 2.1
We have finally a president elect. No, I am not speaking of DT and
his Slovenian beauty and his collections of mad dogs. No, I am
speaking of the president elect of Tu Felix Austria. We needed
3 turns. So finally he is here, Prof Dr Dr hc AvB, which tells
that at least he learned some trade. And the final confrontation
between him and his contender was quite simply a shabby emulation
of the wild-west show of DT versus HC.
There exists in zoology the term of metamorphosis, an discipline
applied in insect science.
This applies also for the ho.. politicus Austriacus
(The latin word for human being gets censored here..).
I understand AvB started as commie, then became a socialist,
then a greenie and in the election he was sold as an
"independant". In terms of colour i.e. dark-red,red,green
and finally grey (which by definition is "missing colour"),
Finally the United Austrian Political Kingdom has been
supporting him , so he won.
Immediately after the win he made a pitch and telling
he wants to be the president of all Austrian.
I am still waiting since 70 years for a president elect
who has the honesty and gut to tell the folks who did not
elect him "and those of you who did not elect me fu.. off".
But he seems to be a decent character. When looking on the
billboards near the big shopping mall south of Vienna on
this unshaved and un-botoxed face, one may get the idea
this is a Romanian clochard happily smiling because he
got an asylum-bed for the night.
Why and here in this forum a comment on this chap, quite
simply , when he was the head of the holy Austrian greenies,
he told to the world that rearing pheasants just to shoot
them is not ethical and he does not support it.
He is simply the incarnation of the supreme anti-apostle and now president of the state.
Hunter/emperor Franz Josef I will roll over in his
sarcophagus in the Kapuzinergruft when he realizes what
chap will take seat at his desk in Vienna's downtown palace
Hofburg 100 years after he had passed away.
Austria bags 65000 pheasants per year (assume half of this figure are reared and released birds ),
rears,kills and eats 77 MILLION poultry (females only),
77 MILLION minus 50 of male poultry are immediately killed
because economically not justifiable and recycled
into the feeding/crop chain.
The minus 50 are the happy 50 males poultry who are allowed
to have a happy more 4 weeks than the females to live in the bio-active
ad campaign of the monopolistic retailer.
Obviously all of that is ethical.
The next official act of him will be on january 1,2018
when he wishes all Austrians a happy new year 2018.

Manifesto 3.0
With this basis there are ample possiblities to extend the
green empire by simple bio-dynamic warfare.
Here is a blueprint.
All the Austrian birds of prey are proteced, incl. the
absolute killer bird Rohrweihe
(lat. circus aeruginosis ), gliding 1-2 m
above ground and killing everything which moves.
What about a poacher in the Carpat mountains, not too far
from the Austrian border, for a small amount of Euro
he will catch a wolf-litter plus a dozen of adult
wolfes, if necessary put them under narcotics and export
those into Austria's
absolute wild area , the "Truppenübungsplatz of Allensteig".
Then release them once awakened from the narcotics,
photographed by helpfully assisting organisations, proofing
there is a genuine indigenous/homeborn/homegrown wolf
population which is in need for a state-controlled
protection. And the Austrian TV will proudly have a clip-show
in its Universum/Geo on
Austria's newly returned once extinct animals.
A sensation by itself instead of the 365'th zebra kill
by a jumping lioness.
Now, what then:
The first animals to disappear from this Austrian
wilderness are the moufflons,
followed by red dear....
finally no animals to hunt, no need for hunters to go there...
Ultima ratio: No animals, no hunter
Manifesto 4.0
When the greenies entered the Viennese local government,
one of their first task has been to paint some
foothpaths in GREEN - no joke - but I believe they have ceased
this project now as it looked to much stalinistic.
I propose here a more intellectual approach
in adapting some Austrian literature.
Lets do some rephrasing:
First: The Austrian hymn has to be rephrased from
"Heimat grosser Söhne " to "Heimat grosser Grüne"
Second: The fairy tale "Rotkäppchen und der Wolf"
will be rephrased to "Grünkäppchen und der Wolf".
Tu Felix Austria

PS: There is always a need for a postscriptum. Few days ago ,by
pure chance, I got into the 5th drive of a hare shoot
in an area where I hunted 50 years ago.The "Jagdleiter" has been my bordboy in bygone days.
Their total bag
on this day has been 115 hares and 4 pheasants.
Their yearly bag is about 20 % of the bag we made
50 years ago. It is the agro-industrialisation and
use-of-chemistry which brought this decline.
What bothers me are these greenies incl their militant-
anti-muscle, a bunch of shabby hypocrites, who use
this economic development as "Trittbrettfahrer"
to profile themselves for an overpaid MP or other
political job.
Shame on them...

Last edited by felix; 12/22/16 02:35 PM.