I simply don't think it matters much if a Wildlife Biologist gets caught poaching deer on posted land the day before hunting season, or if a child molester was a respected Parish Priest, or if someone took bribes and kept highly classified government secrets on an unsecured server while serving as Secretary Of State, or if someone is a good friend and a hard worker who entered the country illegally. The law is the law, and ignorance of the law is supposed to be no excuse. We say that no one should be above the law, but then we start making exceptions, and the law becomes meaningless and unjust.

When we start picking and choosing who gets unequal Justice under the law, we risk opening a whole 'nother can of worms. Not the least of these is the fact that granting one amnesty after another only gives incentive for people to continue to break the law. Reagan fell for that ruse in the 1980's by being compassionate and willing to compromise. Look where it got us. But there are people like King Brown who want open borders, but are too agenda driven to be bothered with all of the ramifications. The U.S of A. was able to become exceptional, and thus able to help so many other countries and people partly because it didn't permit itself to be overwhelmed with uncontrolled immigration.

A U.S. with open borders would quickly become a footnote in history that would be of little good to anyone. It could become like an irresponsible man who fathered as many children as he could without properly raising or feeding them. But short-sighted nutjobs like King think there is nothing wrong with that scenario, and that there will always be some person or Corporation who will be ready, willing, and able to sustain it. People who refuse to cut the lawns or pick the crops or do other work should NEVER get a dime of Welfare benefits unless they are disabled and unable to work. Period. That kind of work always got done without millions of illegal immigrants until we began giving lazy people the equivalent of $40-50,000 per year to just sit home and reproduce and vote Democrat.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.