Two miss spelled words in one listing and the .410 bore/ gauge mistake. How smart are these gun library people? Still asking six grand.

Ithica Long Race Gun ~ .410 Gauge

Should read,

Ithaca Long Range Gun ~ .410 Bore.|/pc/105625080/c/1247163480/sc/103792680/i/544990680/ithica-long-race-gun-410-gauge/2235665.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Facworth-gun-library%2F_%2FN-1123727%3FrecordsPerPage%3D80

And then the price is still a real laugh. It was in the West Chester Ohio store and I had a chance to inspect it. It is much worse in hand than the pictures show. Priced about seven times it's true value, when you see it, maybe less. I did explain to the West Chester people what they had and how it was miss listed. It was not on the shelf on my next visit so I figured they had moved the gun, for a reduced price. Instead they had sent it to another store at a customers request and it is their white elephant now.

Do they hire people who can even read in these gun rooms? Do they have a BlueBook? It does not say Long Race on the ribs. Ithaca is not spelled with two I's.

I love people who can not spell when they list things on EBay. I have bought many items which were so poorly spelled that no one else ever viewed the listing and I got the item for the opening bid. Ithaca/Ithica, Ruger/Rugur, Sterlingworth/Sterlingwerth, you get the idea. Now I just watch stuff listed like that and notice the seller often drops the price downward until you just can not pass up the item. I bought a 12 piece set of Marple craving chisels, new in the box, which were listed as "Marble wood turning chizels". Started out at $75.00 plus shipping went down to $19.99 plus 10.00 shipping over a months time. They could have looked on the box for spelling help. So what was worth about 150 cost 30.00. Doesn't pay to be stupid.