Joe, there are crazies everywhere, overseas and here and home-grown as in American and Canadian instances who will blow up innocents to serve their demented ends. Moslems, Christians or whoever you categorize as "a loving bunch" share a proclivity to violence to get what they want.

We send our militaries to far-off places to cause the deaths and maiming of perhaps tens of thousands more than than terrorists have of ours with nothing to show for it, except 60,000-plus US fatalities alone in Vietnam and Iraq, acknowledged now as blunders---but they're gone.

When it comes to judging religions and violence you might consider August 19, 1942 when the US was just getting into the Second World War. Canada lost 5,000 of its best infantry storming the beaches of Dieppe in one morning, a "strategic" test of German defences but more of stupidity and suicide.