Originally Posted By: King Brown
The Colonel's right: triumphs of reason are victories only for today. The reality is that there are more antis than us. Numbers count, right or wrong.

King should certainly know about the numbers of "anti's" since he is one of them. Few here have posted as much anti-lead or anti-2nd Amendment garbage on this site as King.

And when it comes to getting off topic, King is just as bad as his little brother Larry. Who in hell was talking about spruce budworms or Reye's Syndrome anyway??? But whenever King can't get away with re-inventing himself, he typically falls back on attempting to change the subject.

It was equally entertaining to see Larry Brown's comments on what it takes to stave off future lead bans. Larry went on and on for days back in January of this year in the "Lead and Condor deaths" thread blaming lead poisoning in eagles on alleged lead bullet fragments left in gut piles and wounded deer. Talk about junk science, but Larry kept repeating it without considering the ridiculous assertions that all of these gut piles were contaminated with literally hundreds of lead bullet fragments. His remarks were about as much help as tossing a cement block to a drowning man.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.