Originally Posted By: craigd
Larry, you know we're look'in like a couple of loons?

Just some quick thoughts. Read your link, under the category of CHARITIES, the date cuts off in '08. Who cares, well it's not '11, and the folks convicted were not done so under the CHARITIES category.

Catholics, muslims hey, aren't we all supposed to be equal under the law. I know we can split hair about technical differences, but can we just agree to call Catholics, deer hunters, and muslims, upland bird hunters? Try to note that I was making a point about flawed logic, and how pervasive it is.

Duck-n-the sort. That's the Larry that I remember! Don't forget, I found you a study, done on English shooting estates, that found extremely high systemic lead levels without the presence of shot in the digestive tract, but attributed to lead shot....in upland birds.

As to making fun of someone that doesn't speak the same language, what are all the illegals doing when they refuse to assimilate? Striving for civility, common ground and the American way?

Loons are neat birds. Loved them when I lived up in Wisconsin.

Craig, have you ever shot on a British shooting estate? I have. Several times. That's a place you get highly concentrated shot fall. Similar to waterfowl. And they don't run their estates the way we run our preserves. They get very young chicks, and those chicks are out and about at a very young age. So you have a whole lot of birds wandering around where a whole lot of shot has been deposited, before the shooting season starts. Then you have the survivors wandering around long after the shooting season ends. They're upland birds, so they don't travel great distances--which means they spend most of their time on the estate. There may very well be other sources of lead on the estate, but I can't think of any that are more likely than all the lead shot that's been deposited. So they ingest the lead, then pass the lead shot . . . still have high lead levels. Woodcock--another upland bird--also show very high lead levels with no lead shot in their systems. But because of what and how woodcock eat, and because they're not exposed to heavy shot fall, and because they migrate . . . there are far more possibilities for a woodcock to acquire lead than there are for a pheasant, who lives its entire life on a British shooting estate. But I'm not sure what your question was. I think my point was that if you find lead shot in a duck's digestive system, then that's pretty good proof it has ingested lead shot. Surely you're not arguing that?

I wasn't aware that immigrants--whether legal or illegal--made fun of people who speak English without being able to speak the language themselves. How would they know? Not assimilating doesn't have anything to do with criticizing the way someone else happens to speak a language you don't understand. Having lived abroad, I can assure you that Americans do make fun of people who speak foreign languages. But they're making fun not of the French or Arabic or whatever the foreigner is speaking, but because the foreigner is obviously too dumb to be able to speak English. I find that RWTF's English is just fine. His Spanish? I haven't a clue.