WTS comparing ballistics for large lead masses (bullets) imparted with greater energy and rifled rotation with far smaller and more fragile lead pellets travelling slower is not completely valid. While lead bullet deformation is different from shot even with lead bullet casting the hardness of the lead alloy is a considered factor, this is because deformation is a factor here as well. Even artillery projectile surfaces are a considered factor in the development of indirect fire accuracy.

You constantly use the term BS, a great way to argue rhetorically, but fundamentally flawed in reason and not helpful.

Deformation does occur, it is a signicant factor in patterns as is shot stringing and it has been demonstrated by writers already cited. It is obvious to me that those who believe the opposite are not to be convinced.

My only regret in this discussion is throughout I have been travelling in North Carolina and do not have my library at home in Kansas in hand to cite in specific quotes. That said, I doubt they would convince some anyway.

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS