He called a bs flag, fine, but only Stan provided sources to investigate.
Not a data source, just more opinions.

It is a proven fact as far as I'm concerned, that a single lead bullets' nose will deform back towards the base on firing, and the nose will show deformation after it clears the muzzle even though it didn't touch some wad material, other shot or the barrel.
Maybe at light speed as a near plasma
Why wouldn't the leading surface of a perfect sphere deform back to some degree of out of round.
Maybe at light speed as a near plasma
It is a fact that the larger the lead pellet being employed, the lower the antimonial content needs to be for that pellet to have the same degree of resistance to deformation as a lead pellet of a smaller diameter.
No - lead has the same resistance to deformation regardless of shape or size but a larger pellet will suffer less surface AREA deformation as a consequence of GREATER SURFACE AREA in relation to contact area with other pellets

By the same token a shot load with a long shot column has more resistance per square inch to being moved than does a shorter column.

Just back from Hogwarts refresher course? I'll bet you think that somehow influences inertia. So two objects of the same material and same mass but different shapes will resist acceleration at different rates. I think that violates all three of Newton's Laws of Motion

I realize that the shot string (cloud) is moving fast, but it is not that fast that the targets speed is negated completely. The pictures in Brister's book clearly show this.
Yes it is. No they don't. Not running down Brister - he tried. If you care to calculate how long it takes for a shot string to pass a given point and how far a target moves in that time guess what happens?

tw - "Pattern theory involves Pachinko fizzicks as Oberfell & Thompson realized long before anyone came up with PAM, which was predated by LDA [Latent Dirichlet Allocation], but still well after the penultimate werk done in Oklahoma by a couple of guys having a lot of fun earning their doctorates.

IOW, rather than get into a Bayesian inference or getting into the posterior of distribution, hard data remains vague, but one can recognize the footprint easily enough .. on a grease plate."

At last, a cogent comment. Tip o'the hat to tw

'bout it for me thanks for playing
I always enjoy seeing the physical universe redefined

have another day

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