Originally Posted By: BrentD
Not so horrible here. I had a new grad student walk in to my office yesterday and ask me if I could take him and teach him about hunting. And he is not alone, nor does he come from a hunting background, so he is entirely tableau rosa at this point. This is not too unusual for me actually and as often as not, it is women who are looking to hunt.

We shall begin with turkeys.

Yes I have ran into quite few 'young' (25 - 35) year olds wanting to take up hunting. About half female and half male. Hunting in reality is a difficult sport to get into. It has a very costly start up cost (guns, shells, clothes and accessories, gas, food, etc), more than hockey (which is the most expensive sport for school kids) the amount of knowledge about the many different facets takes years to accumulate and it is hard work in many cases and takes time. Success does not come easily so there can be little gratification. After a few times out many of these 'young' people realize this and drop off.

The other reality is that in Calgary the divorce rate is around 60%, I believe somewhere in the +40% across Canada. That means single young mothers bringing up kids on their own. Most sports are out of the question due to time and cost and hunting doesn't rate a discussion.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.