Originally Posted By: King Brown
Speaking from familiarity with my part of the world, a virtual Shangri-la for those inclined to hunt and fish, there has been little or no increase in participants over the last 50 years.

Acadians still come down from Cape Breton to hammer away at "fish" ducks in our district, a few from cities and towns within 150 miles for other ducks and geese, but no increase in numbers of locals.

There's a strong consensus here for the reasons of a generational decline in interest. Publics wait for me as a dinosaur to be buried.

King, that's pretty true in the core duck hunting areas of Manitoba as well. Delta Waterfowl is trying hard to get youngsters involved but those kids tend to be the offspring of hunters and were going to be introduced to it anyway. Little new blood.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia