Originally Posted By: lonesome roads
"If you're interested in that kind of work..."

Kingsley, I'm interested in women, cars, guns, alcohol, tobacco, food, books, music, golf, hockey, architecture (I'm a mid-century mod Mies, Eames kinda guy) and a bunch of other stuff, and don't give a 🐀's arse about some Sikh intel guru, God bless him.

Who do you like, Bernie or Hill?

I find condors dreadfully boring.

LR, you would have enjoyed the home I grew up in. In 1960 my father gave a hot young architect a building lot he split off an acreage he owned in return for designing, building and furnishing our family home. The architect built his home next door. Both houses and the furnishings within were paeans to the mid century style and designers you mentioned. The homes were odd doppelgangers of each other, ours designed for a family of seven with somewhat traditional values, the other for a family of four with adults as hip and swinging as it was possible to be. His wife was, at the time, the prima ballarina of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and their home a centre for artists and urban culture. Yet the two homes were remarkably similar in many respects.

The Habs are tanking so I'm depressed....the Jets are worse than last year so I'm getting the razors out. And New England is out so what is the point of going on! The only sporting salvation comes from Serena's ouster and Vonn's continued dominance.

King's blather about our new defense minister is more national insecurity masked as pride.....a Liberal fixation on personality rather than policy. It is his, and our nation's, Achilles Heel. The Libs are busy reclaiming Canada's role as a "soft" power and crowing about it too. We all know what soft power is.....impotence. Only the left can make that a virtue.

Trump will implode in the coming months leaving behind the particular gift of destroying PC, at least for a while, and enabling true conversations to happen. Rubio will overtake Cruz because Cruz just happens to be a particularly unlikable guy. And with any luck, Saunders will end Hillary's presidential aspirations and get the true leftist ambitions of the Democrats out in the open.

How does this relate to condors and lead? Regardless of who wins, the war on hunters will continue, with bad science that has emotional impact continuing to take precedence over sound science, reason and evidence based policy.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia