Jay, you are correct. I apologize for saying that it appeared that you were attempting to mischaracterise what Rob't Harris had said. That was a poor choice of words. I should have said that you were mistaken and explained to you why I felt that way, based upon the sum total of what he actually said, his considerable efforts to fight the lead shot ban in Montana (including the faulty science behind it), and what he had written here numerous times in the past in other Lead Ammunition threads. You could certainly be excused for not knowing about those important details if you were not aware of them. I do feel this statement tends to also back up my interpretation of his intent. It wasn't me that was contending that Game Management agencies would never do anything agenda driven simply because they were getting paid by us.

Originally Posted By: Robt. Harris
Face it, folks, we frequently see half-truths to out-right lies being fed to the public most every day not only from the White House level, but from both parties of Congress, and right on down the food-chain. So ‘Why’ do some of you doubt it’s any different from what you might receive at times from managers of your public trust? I’m not contending that all the science proffered today is ‘junk’…..as it clearly is not. I’m just telling you from a lifetime of personal experience in this field that you need to apply a very critical eye especially now that most everything is being politicized. In my opinion, the science is increasingly being driven by the ‘narrative’ rather than by the sound management principles first put forth by such founders as Aldo Leopold, Durward Allen, Valerius Geist, et al.

I wish he would weigh back in to clarify one way or the other, since that apparently isn't enough, but that would be up to him. I'm very confident that my interpretation of what he said was correct, and would publicly eat crow if I was somehow mistaken... which is more than could be said for some of the participants in this thread.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.