Larry, craigd posted the part of Audobon's mission statement on hunting that contradicted what you were trying to convince us of pertaining to their support for hunting. He was right and you were proven wrong. There was no need for him to post the entire statement to prove you wrong. That is why I did not admonish him for the same kind of selective editing you did. The part you left out would have disproved your attempted rebuttal. Stop trying to excuse your behavior by demonizing craigd. Or me, for that matter, for not giving you your fairness and balance. craigd wasn't attempting to mislead anyone. You were, because you couldn't just admit to being wrong.

Instead of accepting and acknowledging that fact, you came back with one small part of their statement that said they would not oppose sport hunting if done ethically, etc. You were still in denial about what the complete statemnent said, and you bolstered your position with just the parts you liked.

You still think their support for the anti-lead ammunition ban in California is justified because of the rest of their statement... "However, we insist on sound scientific information before deciding these issues." Not only did craigd not bother with this sentence which was not germane to your contention that Audobon does not oppose hunting, but neither did you. So lay off trying to put this on craigd. But the later statewide ban banned lead ammunition outside of the Condors normal range, and totally ignored the lack of impact from the prior ammunition ban that was limited to their range. Is that your idea of sound science? I guess it is.

Then you continued to state that I was wrong about their anti-lead ammunition stance. You piously claimed you couldn't find anything that supported my statements. It took under a minute to Google search "Audobon anti-lead". Plenty of results came up and I posted two links for you since you were having so much difficulty. One was from Audobon's own website, so it was from some agenda driven liar like me, and it wasn't from any Roswell UFO aliens.

There has been plenty of junk science that various anti-lead and anti hunting and DNR officials and biologists have been using to enact and impose lead ammunition bans. Furthering the ban in California when there was no impact from the previous ban is but one example. I gave you the example of the Climate-gate scandal as another example of how this works. There was a conspiracy to put out agenda driven fraudulent data until computer hackers stumbled on e-mails proving it. The fraudsters did not turn each other in. Do you think we'd even know about it if their dirty little secret didn't get out? The Liberal Left news media barely reported it. They would like us all to forget it.

I'm kind of hoping that Stan and SnipeHunter and all of these guys who spend countless hours in wetland habitat will tell us about all of those DNR Biologists that are living in the swamps 24/7/365. They must be camouflaged pretty good, because I haven't seen them. And I wonder why we aren't getting reports from those DNR Biologists on the increased number of cripples due to ballisticaly inferior steel shot

You are getting more and more desperate here Larry. It isn't working.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.