Hi all, well this will be the last picture I post as our upland season ended today. We went out and got skunked royally! Saw a couple birds, but nothing to bust a cap on. Wish could have closed the year with a bird or two, but still we were able to get out from the opener to the end. It was a good season, not great, but good. Had some memorable days and some not so memorable. But that's hunting. It was a safe season, no close calls or incidents, I'm thankful for that. The most important thing was I was able to get out and was able to hunt with my boys. I consider myself to be very blessed with them and where I live. I just want to thank God and St Hubert for another year in the field.

My three best hunting partners, bar none! Jim, Will and Raina.

Until later, for those of you who can still hunt, I trust you'll have a great and safe rest of the season!



Gregory J. Westberg