Originally Posted By: ed good
joe: just heard a classic semi auto story...gun show vendor....

....fortunately, no one was shot...sadly, that is not always the case.

Same gun show, tough to find, but there're still a few sxs vendors. He has a shotgun that's 'cased' to a crisp. A kid strolling around wearing a double cross draw rig and a pair of full race 1911's looks at it and says 'hey dude, what happened to that thing'.

Vendor says, that's a classic gun sonny. I went by the shop to pick this one up for the show, and found the smith shaking his head in a daze. After a bit, the smith says the ringing is going away, that ole shotgun went off right next to my ear. Whew, luckily no one was hurt.

They think about it for a while and figure out that when the gun was cleared, he forgot about the second barrel. The vendor scratches his head and turns the gun around in the vice. The smith says hmmm, don't have to reach around those barrels anymore. The two buddies spend the rest of the afternoon cooking off shells with the torch.

Now though, both of them have ringing ears. Vendor shouts in the now quiet shop, hey what's that over there. The ole smith shakes ten years of dust off a chia pet from under the bench. Hey, that's wear my ear muff went. They laugh and blurt out simultaneously, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Sadly, that was not always the case.