Originally Posted By: King Brown
Everyone's actions are determined by feelings. We share an interest in following the verities our parents and mentors taught us. Most of us act on those verities by doing what we believe is good and leaving the bad wherever we see it. My duty in this case was to bring to Dave's attention a despicable post. There's enough misery without promoting it on Misfires.

I was hoping 'duty' held some higher status than feeling, but that's okay. When discussing more trivial things, can an opponent agree to disagree agreeably, or resign to be subject to the pc court of the 'I'm offended' argument.

Back to your example, I wasn't wondering if you could turn your feelings on and off. You seem to want to turn 'free' speech on and off. It's okay, you may feel that way, but you turn to the government to help stifle speech that you don't like.

Yet, as an appreciator of the 'arts', you tolerate Christian symbols in vats of urine, feces smeared in various ways, and renderings of Jesus performing homosexual oral sex. Black inner city thug culture is excused from hate, racism and misogyny lyrics in their musical 'art'.

How about the duty to hold a prez responsible for steering his country on the right path, when one racist group is calling for the killing of whitey and cops? What's an uncle tom, one of the good guys, or a term that switches off the duty to separate right from wrong.

How about the duty to criticize the hate speech coming out of iran to close a 'deal', not to mention the track record of the 'people' since the shaw got booted.

How about the duty to question the line in the sand. How many toddler bodies have to wash up due to failed desperate attempts to flee syria. Let me guess, we can excuse the human brutality, because the eu is feeling a bit overwhelmed by the 'expense'. I wonder if the kind feeling hearts haven't lumped the folks fleeing the ukraine in the same category. Hmmm, is there an ideological policy that's partnering the russians and iranians. How about dem chinese eh, playing naval war games a bit close to Canada, scratch that Alaska, for the first time ever.

Interesting, we should just leave the bad wherever we see it. But, we have a duty to our feelings. If that's so, can I call on you to be a bit more tolerant?