I suggest we keep everything out of this BBS except our sport.
Too bad politics intrudes on it, but its not OUR fault, and of all political topics only those related to guns and hunting should be addressed here. Certainly not Iraq, and not whether or not GW Bush or Hillary Clinton has horns and cloven hooves.

That being said, here's MY take on the pertinent subject - gun rights.

The saddest thing about the modern Democratic Party and Liberalism in general is its abandonment of the right to keep and bear arms.

A few Liberals have realized the problems with restricting our 2nd Amendment rights, but so far it seems to be a small courtesy given to us oddballs out here in fly-over country (everything between the Northeast and California).

The Democrats have run, and got elected, a modest number of pro 2nd Amendment candidates while the great majority of the party is still strongly anti-gun. Only fear of the gun owners and the NRA keeps party leadership from renewing a push for much more stringent domestic gun control laws and international agreements to ban small arms imports and exports of all kinds. If the Democrats ever get the presidency and enough of a congressional majority that will change and new restrictions will go on the lawbooks

Until the Democrats have a real change of heart and treat gun owners as something more than just another minority to be bought off with platitudes, smiles, and a few favors until they can do without us I will vote straight Republican.