Originally Posted By: King Brown
....the majority of Americans are anti-gun morons and idiots because they didn't vote Republican, as if a a true American is a Republican in love with his guns and like himself takes his identity from NRA....

....posts play into the hands of the antis by dividing the shooting fraternity---if you're not a Republican you're plain-and-simple anti-gun....

Wow, Canada is a culture of violence and a bunch of other bad things, I mean are your fingers okay after all that NRA demonizing. I get it, you don't like the NRA. I think I picked up on that before. Hmmm, question is, is the NRA a political party?

Love guns? No, it's not necessary, but I suppose such great lengths are taken to justify a progressive Constitution because guns are a right in the US, meaning love or hate doesn't matter.

But, back to the NRA party. If they show up on the ballot, yup, you probably get a divided vote, but so far, it hasn't happened. How about morons? Is it possible to claim one position, but vote polar opposite.

I thought there was a comment floating around about politicians stirring up gun control controversy in the name of some sort of national security. Which party would identify closest with france?

If it is possible to focus, here's a simple question. Are dem politicians, regulators, judges, and various other policy/lawmakers pro gun control? No fair going to wiki for a quote from some small town Wyoming mayor who has a rifle rack in his pickup, but ran as a dem.