I have been playing with the Behlen's blood red and a finish layer on a wooden box before I redo a gun stock with whatever approach I like.

I did about 7 applications of the Blood Red. I had previously filled the grain with mahogony stain and several wet sands.

After the Blood Red it looked so good. Next and so far I am TWO applications of straight linseed oil hand rubbed into the project. I am certainly planning on doing more applications of the oil. I put the box in very warm area to accelerate the drying although I did just use a tiny amount and really hand rub it in. And, before I put on the next layer I wanted it "dry" before I applied any more.

It is looking truly beautiful. My girlfriend saw it last night and said, 'Wow. It doesn't look at all like the box that it was before this re-finish; it looks fantastic!'

I want a nice shine, glossy, on it when I'm finished. Any ideas of waxes? or Polishes? What about beeswax? What about something crazy like Turtle Wax car polish?

I am receptive to experimenting...

As high a gloss oil finish as I can get.... ya know?

Does a buffing wheel work or should I stay with hand rub soft cloth with the grain?

transforming ideas into reality