Fegyver s Gpgyr (FEG) - firearms and machine factory - pronounced Feg-yvare Aysh Gape-dyarr. Gyar means factory.

Note: Hungarian, I was proudly taught by my folks, is considered a very pretty language for no words or sounds cause one to ever stick the tip of their tongue out from their teeth or lips.

Okay, everybody at once >

Feg-yvare (slight touch of a "y" between Feg and vare, so it almost sounds like "fedya" saying it quickly, and use a Very slight single rolled "r" ("vare" rhyming with "air" and to add a slight single roll the "r")

Ay-sh (long "A", like as in "Ape" or "A-ok")

Gape-dyarr ("dyar" rhymes with car in a Boston-like accent, and again, do the most ever slight almost silently singly rolled "r" at the end).