This is a great thread. Even the drippage is enlightening!

After I got Hansli's tip I just typed Behlen Stain in google and got a place that sold Behlen Blood Red. I notice Hansli posted a website.

Thanks again Hansli. I owe you a beer or a green tea whatever is your preference.

I do like this Behlen. Dries as fast as pure alcohol. I did use one layer of Behlen and one of my Alkanet brew... ugh... The other day I was putting my bow back up on the wall after doing some target shooting in prep for deer season and I did it in the dark and to my misfortune the tip bumped up against my canning jar of Alkanet & mineral spirits. Dropped to the garage floor and smashed to smithereens. Now all I have is Behlen Blood Red till I brew up another batch of Alkanet.

Sorry I haven't figured out HOW to post pictures here and I do not have the software.

I can't wait to redo my next stock with this Behlen Blood Red... might start stripping an old stock tonite.
transforming ideas into reality