Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Guns don't kill people, do they, Dave? People kill people. Americans are violent people compared to Canada and western Europe. I have no quarrel with what Americans do; I had nothing to do with making it the place it is. If gun ownership reduces homicides---there's a claim that 88 out of 100 Americans own one---the US should have the public safety record---and it's a far way from it. Problem with a few here is that referencing facts about guns makes one an anti-gunner. Does questioning Red Sox notions or their stats make one anti-baseball?

King, that all seems rational until you consider that in every American jurisdiction that has passed conceal carry laws in the last 20 years, violent crime has gone down faster that demographics alone would have predicted. So there is a seriously plausible argument currently that suggests, in fact, gun ownership IS reducing homicides and other forms of violent crime. Acknowledging this fact might be useful as you marshal your arguments, whatever they may be.

Thank you CB ! Once again it is nice to know that there are some Canadians that understand that facts and static's trump rhetoric and ideology !
King I know your laws suck in Canada- I would never move there,in fact my neighbor just came back,less his car-it was stolen like countless others,I also know your do not want Americans to carry guns and only own sporting weapons.You have admitted many times you are a liberal-good for you at least there is no hiding,now admit your ideology and allegiance to the "worst president in 70 years" requires you to also support his antigun agenda.

here is were you take marching orders,and we know it,no amount of lulling will convince us to give up ANY of our rights-our inalienable rights to protect ourselves !


Globalist Plan to Disarm America:

PL87-297 Arms Control and Disarmament Act /
State Department Publication No.7277

Hillary For Prison 2018