And here's my replies to those posts that were off-topic in the other thread King. More of your frequent anti-Second Amendment/anti-NRA/anti-gun comments... quoted verbatim... no lies involved... to follow. No need to impute motives. The motives seem quite evident after a prolonged drum beat.

Once again, King Brown is being dishonest and LULLING. He is once again repeating his tired refrain that it's all going by the wayside, so why fight it?... it's only a matter of time before we die off and the anti- gunners win Only thing is, it's not going away like King says. The number of guns in the U.S. has increased by nearly 50% since Bill Clinton was elected. People who really didn't care whether they ever owned a gun went out and bought one when it looked like they might lose that chance. People who never dreamed of carrying a gun got one when Concealed Carry became widespread. And the blood in the streets that was predicted by the anti-gunners has not happened. Quite the opposite really.

Women and girls are getting into the shooting sports. The antis will lie and say that private ownership of guns has fallen in recent years, but actual sales numbers disprove that. Gun makers are building new and larger production lines in Southern states where Liberal Left Democrats aren't trying to put them out of business. So many more new shooters shooting so many more new guns that even after the ammo hoarders have become glutted, ammo is still in short supply... with the production lines running full tilt 24/7.

King knows all of this. He's said the same crap before, and has been corrected before. But that won't stop him from repeating the same tired lies.

And oh, the hand wringing about the dangers of not embracing guys like ed and King who do nothing to support and protect our firearms freedoms, and do much to undermine them. What a crock of shit! We don't need friends like you. You are no help, and never have been. There are plenty of new shooters who can and will be better than you ever were. We don't need to help roll the Trojan Horse into our midst.

You support and give cover to the anti-gunners King. The anti-gunners are actually worse than a heroin junkie who would break in and steal my guns. The junkie only wants my guns to sell for quick money to buy drugs. He does not care if I replace them with insurance or my own money. The anti-gunners want to take them, and they eventually want to make it impossible to buy more. You help those anti-gunners King. You support them. You praise them. If you lived here, you would vote for them. Don't pretend to be on our side. Actions speak far louder than your words. Don't pretend to be our friend.

Give it up King. We're on to you and your LULLING and lying. We don't need you writing the epitaph of gun ownership and shooting. It's not true. But if we allow ourselves to be fooled by folks like you who do so much to subvert our Second Amendment, it could come to pass. I aim to see that does not happen. Not here. Not anywhere. I'll go along with what one of our Framers said before I fall for any more of your lies:

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."

Patrick Henry

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.