Canvasback, glad to hear you're well and keeping busy with work, family, and guns and hunting plans. I certainly understand your reluctance to spend valuable time here. Just as you devoted time and energy to rolling back the Long Gun Registry, I am spending time supporting and preventing further erosions of our Second Amendment, working, playing with my guns, and getting ready to work on electing pro-gun Conservatives in the 2014 mid term elections.

You know how much I have appreciated your input on the importance of protecting our Gun Rights, and your warnings to us to never let down our guard so that we are in the position once again of digging ourselves out of a hole. I miss OldStarfire's Canadian perspective too, and keep hoping he'll return.

I too, regret the fact that Misfires has become too much about King and ed, and yes, it is a bit time consuming to have to counter their misinformation and attempts to undermine the foundation of our Constitutional Rights. In my opinion, it reached a point where there was a large enough body of evidence to support my opinion that King is working from up north to weaken and cast doubt on the meaning and origins and validity of our Second Amendment, along with many other bedrock principles that made this country great. He's been able to fly under the radar doing hit and run attacks, and then pretending he supports us. I think that was a calculated maneuver, so I decided awhile back to amass a large enough body of evidence to support my opinions, and then keep it front and center, and squarely in the crosshairs. His attempts over the last two days to reinvent himself as an ardent supporter of gun rights aren't gaining much traction. He can't have it both ways if we don't let him. I will not let him! ed jumped into the fray and has shown us that he is just as committed to weakening the Second. I can't be at the computer 24/7, but I can be pretty damn relentless over the long haul. I pop in and type a response or two, and then go out and get some work done. I can also sometimes make a post from my phone when I'm between jobs at work. Hell to type on that little touchscreen keyboard though. With the help of Jim, craig, Doug, J.R.B., Ken61, Mike, bone, JCHannum, Brian, and others... maybe we can finally stop the vermin who constantly subvert and discredit guns, gun rights, and the NRA. I hope anyone else who feels the same will contribute. These trolls need to learn that they can't hide behind lies, stupidity, and the fact that they maybe shoot something once in a while. That takes some tenacity, and unfortunately, playing nice is just playing in to their hands. I am nicely, civilly, and cordially... going for the throat.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.