Originally Posted By: ed good
ken: now your last post had a lot worth while to say...

you get no argument or disagreement here from me with what you posted above.

however, millions of our fellow citizens are fearful of what happens when very destructive firearms get into the hands of criminals. we need to respect their fears, instead of ingnoring them and calling others who do not agree with us, names like libertard, etc.

hell, I don't even know what a libertard is. no one here will tell me.

No Ed,

I don't need to "respect their fears" when it comes to my individual freedom and liberty. By that logic, if someone "fears" a person or that person's behavior they could be declared a criminal. That's what statist religious demonization is all about. You morally demonize first, that leads to dehumanization, and then you can willfully oppress them. You'd better believe that the average German had some level of "fear" about the Jews. Soon they were "Rattenvolk" and fit for extermination. The same thing happened in the Soviet Union, and the democrats are attempting the same thing here. Now, those believing in individual freedom and equality are Racists, Bigots, Sexists, and Homophobes. Merely the first step in the process.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.