Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: LGF
Caleb, until now one could avoid the worst of the venom by staying away from Misfires, but recently even reading the main board requires donning a HazMat suit and undergoing decontamination after. A few members are still foaming at the mouth because there is a black man in the White House; you can just see them typing the second 'g' before catching themselves and changing it to 'Kenyan' or 'Negro'. The rabies slobber is starting to leak into the main forum and the rest of us get splattered.

Wow! Someone starts a thread about the incivility of certain posters and this pops up. As PostOak points, funny how it's always okay for some to behave this way but not others. I'll take RWTF'S silly and antiquated comments about women any day over crap like this!
Thanks-- glad you know how to keep my ramblings in the right perspective- I am "Old School" that's for sure--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..