Where are these racist and misogynistic (misoginistical, perhaps?) comments which are getting your panties all bunched up? With 60 posts in 6 years, it's obvious you don't know much about what goes on here. 2008, when you first registered here, was a presidential election year. You would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to have missed the political rants. What I really find indecent and uncivil is dishonesty.

And why did you put this thread here rather than in Misfires?

Since we obviously must be in Misfires, this would be a good opportunity to remind everyone to call, write, aand e-mail your Congressmen about your feelings on restricting the Second Amendment Civil Rights of law abiding gun owners. Register to vote and support the Gun Rights candidates instead of voting for anti-gunners and then expecting them to respect your rights. Join or renew your membership in the NRA... the cheapest gun insurance you can buy to preserve your RKBA. Get a gift NRA membership for a kid you know. Only $25.00 right now. Makes a great Graduation gift that keeps on giving.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.