Originally Posted By: King Brown
"A successful strategy depends on a truthful understanding of reality."

We're doing the same work here, James, restoring forests to the biodiversity of before the Europeans came to the continent.

Most people want to do the right thing for the environment but need to be shown how to do it. We don't have to advertise, we're swamped from word-of-mouth....

I believe you and congratulate your success, no kidding, but is this a truthful understanding of reality or a bit of glamorized embellishing. But hey, speaking of 'word of mouth', reprangel says today that the TEA party is a bunch of racist. That should dovetail conveniently with your misgivings about them.

Let's see, we could just ask the TEA party and observe their track record, or we could find inspiration in a lib ideolog. I don't think we could question the ideolog, that would be pc inappropriate.