Every gun show I go to, I see them. Gun owners like Dr. Wanker the Sane, standing in line to pay inflated prices for guns and ammo. Many, like Dr. Wanker, voted for Hope and Change, and this is what they got for believing that a politician with a 100% anti-gun voting record would not be a threat.

We, millions of us, write, call, and e-mail our Congressmen. We don't need advice from some brain-child with an Obama bumpersticker on their car. It's the only thing that saved our bacon after Newtown when we came so close to major infringements on our rights. Another million of us joined the NRA too. I saw my State Representative glad-handing at a gun show just two weeks ago. He wouldn't have dared to show up if he wasn't solidly with us. Smart man. In 7 months, we have another chance to elect a Congress and Senate that is not dominated by Liberal Socialist anti-gunners. That's what I was trying to say. Some who are pea-brained need to have it spelled out for them.

HAHAHA! I thot you were gonna come up with a stupid response. You did not disappoint. Have a day yerself!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.