You have to understand, this is Wonko's senate and Wonko's president on the job. He will happily join in the bitching about these bozos he helped to elect, and complain that elected officials don't GAF about the electorate.
Maybe his don't, but, it seems to me one need look only as far as the recently relaxed concealed carry laws that have swept across the US to realize somebody listened. Might not have been to him, but, they listened to the rest of us.
The recently recalled politicians in Colorado (his camp, again) must be a fluke, no? Listening might have been in their best interest, if not ours.
What I can't understand is this country has elected very liberal presidents on three occasions-FDR, Carter, and Obama. None of the others could really be considered very liberal, save LBJ, and he wasn't elected, and got out before he screwed everything up anyway. But the other three losers did the same exact thing to the country-destroyed the economy. All three times.
When do the Wonkos of the world learn? Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome every time?
I question your sanity Dr. Sane.
Hope the inlays on the banjos you own are all Obama admin approved.
