Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane
I swear - you folks are some paranoid MFers. If I worried about all the crap you do I'd never sleep.

so have you written to your congress people to bring this to their attention or just whine about it like gun owners do everything??

have a day


There are also many paranoid musicians who take their ivory inlaid instruments in and out of the country and face loss due to confiscation.

There is a problem when you cannot take your own legally acquired shotgun or violin bow out of the country without having it taken from you. You will be guilty until you can prove that you are innocent, which may prove both costly and impossible. However, the current administration can facilitate the felonious export of illegal arms into Mexico, and ignore Congressional investigation. There is something much more effective than writing one's Congressman. Just stop electing anti-gunners.

Once again, Dr. Wonko is on the wrong side of an issue facing gun owners. I'm glad to see that one thing which causes him to lose sleep is criticism of the Obama administration. He must be sleeping like a baby... crying and shitting himself.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.