This might effect some of us & yes it is gun related. May also effect on the value of your old piano or carving set you have in the sideboard.

Significantly Restrict Domestic Resale of Elephant Ivory:
We will finalize a proposed rule that will reaffirm and clarify that sales across state lines are prohibited, except for bona fide antiques, and will prohibit sales within a state unless the seller can demonstrate an item was lawfully imported prior to 1990 for African elephants and 1975 for Asian elephants, or under an exemption document.
Clarify the Definition of “Antique”:
To qualify as an antique, an item must be more than 100 years old and meet other requirements under the Endangered Species Act. The onus will now fall on the importer, exporter, or seller to demonstrate that an item meets these criteria.

Good luck being able to prove the ivory grips on your Colt or the ivory bead on your SXS is either antique or lawfully imported before 1990. If they really wanted to help the elephant they need to step hard on the Chinese that fuel the demand for illegal animal products. Doing anything with the Chinese is difficult so our politicians will take the "we gotta do something" position and make are lives difficult without any benefit to the elephant.