I used to live in, and I mean in, not around, some prime pheasant country. After the season was over and winter forced all game, deer included into visable herds, for lack of a better term. The rooster to hen ratio ran consistantly around 50/50. This is still too many roosters. About ten hens/rooster is on the low end. In ten years there I never observed less than close to 50/50. These excess roosters compete with the hens for the same food. Think about that for a moment. To be sure I am not advocating sloppy shooting or not caring for the game. I am stressing the point that roosters should be thinned out. As Col. Brown posted something will benefit from the crips. As long as they are roosters even the hens will. And for the exitable and/or color blind, don't shoot the brown ones, OK?!
