Since it's a gun that was produced in the Batavia line I will go out on a limb and say that I can pretty much guarantee that it doesn't have the hammer block safety. However, as with most turn of century firearms... Never say never! You can pull a side plate and easily tell for sure. I can direct you to some pictures later this evening once I'm home and not trying to answer from my cell phone.

The design of lock that you see on the earlier Baker guns was used until right around 1899-1900 if I remember correctly. The sidelock design was changed to a 4 piece rebounding lock at that point... This is the sidelock with the 3 pins displayed that you most commonly see. This lock was used on both the Baker guns and Batavia guns. There was really no difference in the design of the lock between the two lines.

Last edited by BPFischer; 04/03/14 12:54 PM.