I learned in 20 years of involvement (not behind the gun) with driven Pheasant and Partridge shooting in the UK that 'team wise' the best teams were about 2.5 'bangs per bird' - and the worst over 5 'bangs per bird'.
On an individual basis, I have seen one or two individuals who choose the best (highest birds that are still in range), but only take an 'marginal out of range' shot when a bird is already wounded by another shot manage 80% kills and more. Such people are rare to see and a joy to watch.

One individual (sadly now no longer with us) stands out. I have watched him give clean kills on bird after bird, mostly high challenging birds without a miss using 1 oz loads in 1920s (made for his Father) 12 bore featherweight Purdeys weighing just on 6 lbs.

Naturally in 20 years in the field, one sees all types from beginners to very experienced shots, and using all guns from the finest English names to some very budget examples, but the best shots are indeed memorable.