Hey Mike,

Looks like that "old codger" did you well!!!

My God Father gave me my first shotgun when I was 12. A J.C. Higgins 12ga bolt action gun. It never work properly, had a tube magazine and when you opened the bolt, all the shell came flying out 'till the gun was empty. Shot it for about a year and traded it in on a "real" gun. a Stevens 20ga Model 311 double. The gun did not fit me at all and I'd have been lucky to hit the inside of a phone booth if I was standing inside it. Traded it off for a Model 12 and hunted with it for years, used it for everything from birds to deer. Had only 1 shotgun and a .22 for many, many years. About 12 years ago I ran into an old pal that was selling his uncles 16ga Simson double,that started something out of my control and I'm loving every minute of it.

No longer have only 1 gun!!! Now all my guns are doubles except for a single shot Husky rolling block 16ga and a 16ga single barrel flintlock.

"It's a good day for something"