Growing up in Upstate New York, most of us had either an Ithaca Model 37 (mine was and still is a 16 gauge), or a Remington 870. If you had a Browning Auto-5 you were considered "rich."

After I went in the Navy, I got stationed in Maine and brought my Ithaca up and kept it at my Chief's house. He introduced me to Parker Guns and Setters. Eventually, he sold me a really nice 16 gauge Trojan to get me started right, while he used the funds to help upgrade his own collection. I still have it, and along the way added a GH.

I like doubles, especially the Parker and L.C. Smith. But also own a couple of Browning O/U small gauge guns. Truth be told, I like all vintage guns, pumps, auto's, etc. His passion for setters rubbed off on me more as an overall love of gundogs. I currently own and hunt over an American Water Spaniel and young Irish Red Setter.