terc, beautiful hammer gun!

Greg, I've got to ask, what type of land are you hunting? Public, leased, private, personal??? Duchess has had more than a few birds shot over her!

Saturday, we took advantage of the colder weather (37 degress) and ran the dogs on wild bobwhites at our lease in GA. We picked up a couple big coveys. The season is not yet in so no birds were taken.

Spent the afternoon on a 30 acre peanut field that was LOADED with dove. I would guess there were 700+. Got my limit in short order. Used my Miroku KE-II 12ga. I shot B&P Competition One shells and loved them.

My bird dog.

No "gun with game" pics as I donated my bag to the evening meal before I had a chance to shoot a pic. But they were delish!
