Originally Posted By: The Technoid
I'm just back from my umpteenth Southern SxS. These are great shoots, as much for the camaraderie as for the targets and gun vendors.

What would you think about the addition of an optional side event or two for slide action guns? Of course, it would be all true pairs. Classic pumps, while certainly very different from side by sides, are so very American and they can have a charm of their own. Viz the Winchester Model 42s.

The pumps wouldn't be in competition with the SxSs. Just an event on the side and some extra fun. Many of you enjoy both types of guns. What are your thoughts?


I think the idea sux. Let pump gun guys go and start their own associations, set up web sites, promote their own choice of gun and set up their own shoot events. It sounds like you want them to piggy back on work of so many others who devoted time and energy to get side by side associations started. Reminds me of the lazy grasshopper and industrious ant fable.