Mannesmann AG

"This firm was created in 1908 to act as a holding company for the various metallurgical interests of the Mannesman family and the patents it held relating to the production of seamless steel and steel-alloy tubes. In the years before the Great War it grew to be a major integrated steel production and trading concern, with subsidiary companies operating in Great Britain, Russia, Italy and Bohemia, most of which were confiscated by the victorious allies following the conclusion of hostilities.

Nevertheless the firm was able to rebuild and expand in the postwar era, with its increasing demand for seamless tubes for marine, aviation and industrial uses. The firm also diversified its interests backward into basic steel production and forward into mechanical engineering, both through founding of new facilities and through the acquisition of existing firms. In 1924 it acquired Monheimer Ketten und Metallwaren Industrie and in 1926 the machine works of the Gebruder Meer, while in 1929 it opened a new integrated steel works at Duisburg.

In 1932 it acquired the Düsseldorfer Röhren und Eisenwalzwerke from the Vereinigte Stahlwerke and integrated its activities with the rest of the Mannesman enterprise. In 1934 it took a quarter-share interest in the Magdeburg machine works of Richard Wolf, and in 1936 obtained a one-third share interest in the Treuenbrietzen metal fabrication firm in exchange for a large loan for that firm’s expansion. The Stahlwerke Harkort-Eicken was merged into the firm in 1938."

Closed June 30th, 1972.

Some info I stumbled across. For those Italian aficionados note that Mannesman-Witten had a facility in Italy.

Kind Regards,
