Hi folks,
More gold out of the gold mine: personal info about the Gastinne Renette family. Note that they were living and dying in the 39 ave Franklin Roosevelt address where the shop was until the late 1990s I believe.

Gastinne Jules Francois aka Gastinne-Renette
born on 1/29/1842 in Paris at 1, rond point des Champs-Elysees from:
Louis Julien Gastinne, gun maker age 29 and Josephine Renette age 27, married on 7/29/1835.

passed on 4/23 1921 (at 79!) at his home 39 Avenue Victor Emmanuel III (now Franklin-Roosevelt), and buried in the old Neuilly cemetery.

Nominated Knight of the L of H on 1/3/1892, by Basile Gras (the inventor of the Gras rifle).
Promoted to Officer on 8/14/1900

president of the gun makers union, recipient of many prizes in exhibits.


Gastinne, Paul Louis aka Gastinne-Renette
Born on 3/4/1873 at 6PM in Paris 39, avenue d'Antin
from Jules Francois Gastinne age 31 and Marie Livine Jansen age 22
Married in Paris on 1/29/1901 to Anne Laure Louise Marie Champetier de Ribes

Nominated knight of the L of H on 5/27/1914
Promoted Officer on 10/21/32

39 avenue d'Antin in Paris (now avenue Franklin Roosevelt)
Profession: Gun Maker
Diploma: HEC

Last edited by WildCattle; 03/12/13 12:10 PM.