Same reason that we don't hear about the hundreds of Mexicans who have been shot by drug cartel members firing semi-automatic "assault type" weapons that were intentionally and very illegally walked across the border during Operation Fast and Furious.

This administration doesn't care about children or adult victims of massacres perpetrated by mentally ill criminals, and they don't care about Mexicans and U.S Border Patrol Agents being shot and killed. They have a plan to incrementally take away every gun from law abiding citizens. They don't give a fat rat's ass about the Constitution.

The more gun owners who wake up to this fact and let their Congressmen and Senators know that they will not tolerate even a little bit of gun control, the better our chances of sending these rats back into their holes. The ball is in our court.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.