Yes writing letters and sending emails to your congressmen is a fine idea but I do one better. I live withing 35 miles of the Federal Building in Bismarck where our two senators and one representative have offices. I visit each office in person. True the senators and representative most likely won't be there but their secretaries are. By going in person you are showing real concern on the issue to these people and in my case I usually get a real letter from my congressman. What happens when you walk in the door is the secretary greets you an asks how he/she may help. Be very polite. She takes your name and address and writes down your views on the issue. Then you should watch how your congressman votes. You can see it in the Congressional Record. Now if they vote in accordance with your views you should go back to their office and personally thank them for voting your way. You will be surprised how many miles you get out of a thank you.

Practice safe eating. Always use a condiment.