The history of the depicted Remington M-32 is the best part of the story behind the birds and guns shown in the photo taken at the end of a fabulous shoot we had yesterday. We had 10 guns with limits and the birds flew better on the same field than they did two weeks ago on opening day or maybe it just seemed that way. The weather was warm with a breeze and lower humidity than opening day when it was hell on earth with heat and humidity. The boxlock is my 1938 H. Atkin 12, #1 of 2, made by W&S. The Model 32 is Billy’s. It was bought and hunted hard by his grandfather starting in the 1930s through his passing. Billy’s dad inherited it and hunted it hard during his lifetime. I have burned in my mind for all time an image of Billy’s dad carrying the split barreled gun in and out of the dove fields on his land. Billy’s granddad had three barrels made for it, .410, 28 and 20. For dove, Billy usually uses the .410 barrels, but yesterday he opted for the 20 gauge. He shoots the gun as if he was born with it, and in a way, he was. There will be a day when Billy’s son will begin his stewardship of the old O/U but I hope it isn’t any time soon.